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TBBCA Impact Awards

  • 17 Oct 2017
  • 6:30 PM
  • Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel - 4200 Jim Walter Blvd, Tampa, FL 33607

Tampa Bay Businesses for Culture & the Arts (“TBBCA”) Impact Awards.

Michael Francis, Music Director of The Florida Orchestra, is the International Artistic Achievement Impact Award honoree; Peter Zinober, Esq., is the Individual Impact Award honoree; Ruby C. Williams, folk artist, is the Lifetime Artistic Achievement Impact Award honoree; Gobioff Foundation – Neil and Gianna Gobioff, are the Patrons of Culture & the Arts Impact Award honorees. 

Held yearly since TBBCA’s founding in 1989, Impact Awards celebrate and recognize those who have made outstanding contributions to and in support of arts and culture.

TBBCA Impact Awards honors will be bestowed to Zinober, Francis, Williams, and the Gobioff Foundation on Tuesday, October 17, 2017, at the Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel. The last two years’ Impact Awards sold out.

Sponsorships and table/ticket purchases for 2017 Impact Awards may be made online at www.tbbca.org/ImpactAwards2017  or call 813-221-2787 or email susanaweymouth@tbbca.org


TBBCA is a 501 (c ) (3) non-profit organization, one of 11 national Business Committees for the Arts, and part of the private sector network and pARTnership Movement of Americans for the Arts. Our mission is “to unite businesses to champion arts and culture for a prosperous community”. TBBCA Impact Awards, held annually since 1989, benefit TBBCA and our programs, including The Charlie Hounchell Art Stars Scholarships. Since 2008, TBBCA has awarded scholarships providing tuition assistance to over 60 students helping them to fund higher education in the arts. www.tbbca.org

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